Stop time!

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Therefore, stop! I don't understand how time can go so fast! To it all the time things happen!

It can calm down at some point please? Or can my brain please upgrade themselves at some point, so it's in phase with all that needs to be dealt with?

Every week I think: next week, it has calmed down-then I. ..

I could just wake up, so it was full speed. Soften the evil back. Clean (låååångsamt) introduces new airbnbgäster, late breakfast and dog walk and plan. So called Jan L, it was time to launched Munin again. I forgot the new blocks I would have been with me that would up the mast. Then would the mast in place. It leaned too much in the wrong direction how we adjusted. Then I came on that I forget wood in fockfallet in the block, which is 4 metres up the mast. So we had to download the port's rescue ladder and solve it in retrospect. I had a sore back and was confused and tired.

Then it was time for lunch. Then there was dog walk again. And then there was the cases. My deck has had pyspunka were in several weeks. Tire repair shop fixed. And I had bought a barrel with lead by them, that I should have as ballast in the boat.

Then download a refurbished chain saw of Andresen. Then home, crashing on the couch for a while. Then shop, for everything was over. Then I oiled cleats and blocks. Since dog walk to the Harbor to watch the boats, for the wind blows fiercely hard now. Then to the sister-in-law and discuss one thing. Now just returned and received guests.

Tomorrow's breakfast coffee with Ammi. Then download a guest bed I bought three streets away. Then go and buy the new fully automatic bilge pump to Munin (for Car theme pump broke down after just four weeks:-(..!), and mount it. Late lunch. Since leaving the dog in a dog Guard I not yet arranged, and go with mom to the Göteborg Opera for dinner and dance performance. Then run home, download dog and crashing in bed.

On Sunday, a boat trip with the customer in the morning (wow, fun!)

On Monday the course my boss still did not provide information if I granted leave of absence.

On Tuesday, visiting your doctor.

I do not understand. All that I am counting up is quite ordinary everyday tasks that people usually manage in addition to their jobs. But my brain can't handle it at all. Or Yes, it does, of course, but I'm completely out.

Feel like a senior citizen. "Omg I need to shop for four days. OMG it's very now …! "

Yes, I'm starting to take what the doctor meant by the phrase "should not have too many balls in the air".

Fucking shit.

Well then. Right now I'm a slug.

(But even the snail moves forward.)



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